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Reformation 2020 banner

Reformation 2020

The Protestant Reformation ushered in sweeping changes that ultimately led to the formation of the Western world as we know it. However, at its core the Reformation sought to answer the question, “How can I have peace with God,” and as such was primarily a theological and ecclesial movement aimed at restoring Christianity to its apostolic purity. Over the course of time, the principal theological commitments of the Reformation were condensed into phrases and became a sort of short-hand summary of Reformation teaching. These summary phrases, known as the “five solas of the Reformation,” continue to be a faithful and timely articulation of biblical truth. Join us as we survey each “sola” and discover a faith that is more robust than we imagined!

Sermons from this Series

Nov 1


November 1, 2020

Survey of Soli Deo Gloria

Speaker: Passage: Romans 11:33–36 Series: Reformation 2020

Oct 25


October 25, 2020

Survey of Solus Christus

Speaker: Passage: Ephesians 1:3–23 Series: Reformation 2020

Oct 18


October 18, 2020

Survey of Sola Fide

Speaker: Passage: Ephesians 2:1–10 Series: Reformation 2020

Oct 11


October 11, 2020

Survey of Sola Gratia

Speaker: Passage: Ephesians 2:1–9 Series: Reformation 2020

Oct 4


October 4, 2020

Survey of Sola Scriptura

Speaker: Passage: 2 Timothy 3:14–17 Series: Reformation 2020