The world is full of worshippers. Every man, woman, and child either formally or informally worships something.
In a world populated with worshippers, God is seeking true worshippers – those who will worship Him in spirit and truth. (John 4:23-24) Christ’s call to take the Gospel to all the world (Matt 28:18-20, Acts 1:8) is premised on the fact that the world’s teeming masses are not worshipping God in spirit and truth. In short, Christian missions exist because true worship does not.
At Spring Cypress Presbyterian Church, our passion for the glory of God and the joy to be found in Him lead us to make much of missions! Missions at SCPC is understood to be a vital component of our larger church mission. Our commitment to missions is evident not only by the amount of money we allocate in our budget, but also in the prominence it plays in our services, the special events we have throughout the year, and the opportunities for direct personal involvement we provide through training and service opportunities.
While Missions has as its aim the glory of God by facilitating the true worship of God around the world, Missions in our church focuses on two distinct components: Serving the Body and Advancing the Kingdom.
Serving the Body
We believe that the command to make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:18-20) extends to each and every believer. Thus we seek to train our members to view their respective “circles” or “spheres of influence” as a mission field. We seek to equip, encourage, and empower our members to fulfill 1 Peter 4:10-11 by utilizing their particular talents, gifts and resources at their disposal. We are served by Missions when it teaches us to think missionally about the world around us.
Finally, service to the Body occurs by providing opportunities to learn more about missions and by keeping our members abreast of updates from our missionaries, thus informing the congregation how to pray in a manner that is biblical, accurate, and precise.
Advancing the Kingdom
In Matt 16:18 we hear the infallible word that Jesus will build His church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. The Kingdom of Christ will advance! We are thrilled that our Lord invites us to join Him in that task!
At SCPC we advance the Kingdom by proclaiming the Gospel starting in our own church and then taking that message to the community around us. We also provide periodic opportunities to engage in short-term mission trips in order to increase a global perspective among our members. We partner with numerous missionaries and agencies who take the Good News to people and places beyond our immediate reach.
Note: If you are a missionary who would like to be considered for support, you may explore this by introducing yourself and your ministry to the Missions Team by contacting the office.