Our men's ministry is centered around fellowship in the Word of God and facilitating iron sharpening iron.
Men's Book Study
2nd and 4thTuesday of each month at 7:00pm
It's Good to be a Man
Room 118
The Men's Group will study the book, "It's Good to be a Man" by Michael Foster and Dominic Bnonn Tennant. Instead of teaching men how to hone their masculine traits, modern society tells us to "smash the patriarchy." Modern churches offer the meek servant-leader as the only model for manliness. In most contexts today, men who display signs of independence are simply shown the door. This leaves most men lost. They don't know what to do or how to improve so they follow the wrong models for masculinity and a sense of mission. This book is meant to remind men that their natural masculine instincts are a gift from God that are meant to be used to grow the kingdom. Men are created to found households, join brotherhoods, and work towards a mission together.
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MEN'S Fellowship Events
May 11, July 13th
Once a trimester we will gather to help build deeper relationships within the men of our church. So put these dates on your calendar so you won't miss a good time!