January 21, 2024

Two Blind Men

Speaker: Pastor Ben Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 20:29–34

Today’s passage might seem like “just another” healing story, and we might thus be tempted to skim past it. However, this episode was significant enough that all three of the synoptic Gospel writers included it. In truth, this passage showcases the tender mercy of Jesus and presents a short form model of the life of discipleship. Join us as we explore these verses!

other sermons in this series

Aug 25


The Great Commission

Speaker: Pastor Ben Passage: Matthew 28:16–20 Series: Matthew

Aug 18


The Resurrection of Jesus

Speaker: Pastor Ben Passage: Matthew 28:1–15 Series: Matthew

Aug 4


At The Cross

Speaker: Pastor Ben Passage: Matthew 27:32–66 Series: Matthew