In today’s passage we see that one’s relationship to their possessions - especially their money - is a key indicator of what is and isn’t important to that person. God so often addresses the subject of giving precisely because of the effect our possessions often have on our hearts. Join us as we discuss the duty of Christians to give generously and how God promises to meet our needs if we will step out in faith in this area.
other sermons in this series
Dec 29
The Faithful and The Faithless
Speaker: Pastor Ben Passage: Malachi 3:13– 4:6 Series: Malachi
Dec 15
The Coming of the God of Justice
Speaker: Pastor Ben Passage: Malachi 2:17– 3:5 Series: Malachi
Dec 8
Faithfulness Begins at Home: The Sanctity of the Marriage Covenant
Speaker: Pastor Ben Passage: Malachi 2:10–16 Series: Malachi