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Reformation 2021 banner

Reformation 2021

Known as the formal cause of the Reformation, the doctrine of Sola Scriptura provided the foundation and blueprint for the recovery of biblical faith, worship, and piety. Sola Scriptura is all about answering the question of authority: who or what is the final arbiter of what is true, right and good? Consequently, this vital doctrine deserves our careful attention. Join us as we go in-depth on what we do and don’t mean when we affirm Sola Scriptura!

Sermons from this Series

Oct 31


October 31, 2021

Sola Scriptura: The Clarity of the Word

Speaker: Passage: Deuteronomy 30:11–14 Series: Reformation 2021

Oct 24


October 24, 2021

Sola Scriptura: The Sufficiency of the Word

Speaker: Passage: 2 Timothy 3:10–17 Series: Reformation 2021

Oct 17


October 17, 2021

Sola Scriptura: The Necessity of the Word

Speaker: Passage: Matthew 4:1–4 Series: Reformation 2021

Oct 3


October 3, 2021

Sola Scriptura: The Authority of the Word

Speaker: Passage: Matthew 7:24–27 Series: Reformation 2021