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Reformation 2019 banner

Reformation 2019

In 1618, just over one hundred years after Martin Luther had initiated the Reformation, an international gathering of theologians and ministers – referred to as a Synod - met in the Dutch city of Dordrecht (Dort, for short!) to study and respond to significant challenges from within the church to the biblical teaching surrounding the topic of God’s grace. If the biblical teaching on grace was undermined, then the Gospel would be compromised as it was gutted of its God-glorifying truth, and the work of the Reformation would be undone. Thus the goal of the Synod of Dort was nothing less than to save the Reformation by fighting for a grace that really is amazing! The Synod of Dort met for 18 months, and in May of 1619 they concluded their deliberations. Known to history as the Canons of Dort, the published responses given by the Synod to those who had sought to undermine Reformation teaching are famous for being a clear and concise summary of the doctrines of grace. In this 400th anniversary of the publishing of the Canons of Dort, we at Spring Cypress Presbyterian Church celebrate the robustly God-centered and biblically faithful truths articulated by the Synod. Join us as we embark on a study of the doctrines of grace and grow in our appreciation of what the Word of God means when it exclaims, “Salvation belongs to the Lord!”

Sermons from this Series

Oct 27


October 27, 2019

The Perseverance of the Saints

Speaker: Passage: Romans 8:26–39 Series: Reformation 2019

Oct 20


October 20, 2019

Effectual Grace

Speaker: Passage: John 3:1–10 Series: Reformation 2019

Oct 13


October 13, 2019

The Good Shepherd

Speaker: Passage: John 10:11–30 Series: Reformation 2019

Oct 6


October 6, 2019

Chosen by the Father

Speaker: Passage: Ephesians 1:3–14 Series: Reformation 2019

Sep 29


September 29, 2019

The Living Dead

Speaker: Passage: Ephesians 2:1–5 Series: Reformation 2019

Sep 22


September 22, 2019

Still Relevant

Speaker: Passage: Jude 1:1–4, Galatians 1:6–9 Series: Reformation 2019