Philemon: The Gospel Demonstrated

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Philemon: The Gospel Demonstrated

Drawing from the themes in Colossians, Paul builds the case that the mutual experience of redemption, new life, the lordship of Christ, etc., create a basis for a new understanding of relationships in the household of God. But whereas Col 3:18-4:1 might be construed as applying these concepts abstractly, Philemon brings this down to earth in a very concrete manner as he mediates between Onesimus (a slave) and Philemon (a master)… and in the process Paul demonstrates what it means to be a peacemaker.

Sermons from this Series

Nov 24


November 24, 2019

A Picture of Reconciliation

Speaker: Passage: Philemon 1:8–25 Series: Philemon: The Gospel Demonstrated

Nov 3


November 3, 2019

A Shared Faith

Speaker: Passage: Philemon 1:1–7 Series: Philemon: The Gospel Demonstrated