Joel: The Day of the Lord

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Joel: The Day of the Lord

We all know that bad things happen. But why? Is there any greater significance to the various crises and catastrophes in the world beyond the immediate discomfort and suffering they bring? How should we respond when confronted with calamity? And where is God in all of it? These questions, and more, are the subject of Joel’s book. Join us as we unpack his words and grow in our understanding of the breadth and depth of the concept of the day of the Lord.

Sermons from this Series

Feb 7


February 7, 2021

Retribution and Restoration

Speaker: Passage: Joel 3:1–21 Series: Joel: The Day of the Lord

Jan 31


January 31, 2021

The Spirit Poured Out

Speaker: Passage: Joel 2:28–32 Series: Joel: The Day of the Lord

Jan 24


January 24, 2021

Rejoice, O Child of Zion

Speaker: Passage: Joel 2:18–27 Series: Joel: The Day of the Lord

Jan 17


January 17, 2021

Return to the Lord Your God

Speaker: Passage: Joel 2:1–17 Series: Joel: The Day of the Lord

Jan 10


January 10, 2021

Learning from Calamity

Speaker: Passage: Joel 1:1–20 Series: Joel: The Day of the Lord