Esther: God in the Grit

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Esther: God in the Grit

Esther holds a unique place in the canon of Scripture. In this book God is not mentioned at all, not even on the lips of the heroes of the story. When God appears absent, even from the minds of his people, does this in fact mean he is nowhere to be found? Join us as we explore this book to discover a truth that is at once startling and encouraging: that God is always actively fulfilling his purposes and he often works his good purposes for his people through the most unlikely of people!

Sermons from this Series

Sep 27


September 27, 2020

A New Normal

Speaker: Passage: Esther 9:20– 10:3 Series: Esther: God in the Grit

Sep 20


September 20, 2020

Participation Required

Speaker: Passage: Esther 9:1–19 Series: Esther: God in the Grit

Sep 13


September 13, 2020

Providential Peripety

Speaker: Passage: Esther 8:1–17 Series: Esther: God in the Grit

Sep 6


September 6, 2020

Gospel Truths in Abstract

Speaker: Passage: Esther 7:1–10 Series: Esther: God in the Grit

Aug 30


August 30, 2020

God's Presence in Coincidences

Speaker: Passage: Esther 6:1–14 Series: Esther: God in the Grit

Aug 23


August 23, 2020

Haman's Heart

Speaker: Passage: Esther 5:8–14 Series: Esther: God in the Grit

Jul 26


July 26, 2020

Decision Time

Speaker: Passage: Esther 4:1–17, Esther 5:1–8 Series: Esther: God in the Grit

Jul 19


July 19, 2020

An Ancient Animosity

Speaker: Passage: Esther 3:1–15 Series: Esther: God in the Grit

Jul 12


July 12, 2020

The Stage is Set

Speaker: Passage: Esther 1:10– 2:23 Series: Esther: God in the Grit

Jul 5


July 5, 2020

God in the Grit

Speaker: Passage: Esther 1:1–9 Series: Esther: God in the Grit