Enfuego Youth Group
Every Wednesday until May 28, 2025
6:15pm – 8:00pm
Coordinator: Felix Espino

Enfuego Youth Group
Our Mission for Enfuego Youth Ministry is to be a youth ministry committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ, who love and serve God and others, who in turn make more disciples.
As a youth ministry, we seek to accomplish our vision and mission by focusing on five major areas such as,
- Discipleship
- Fellowship
- Service
- Mission
- Devotion
Our meetings begin with a meal together, followed by a Scripture lesson, and then a game together.
This semester we will be diving into Galatians 5:22-23 to explore the Fruit of the Spirit. We will discuss how the Holy Spirit produces Christ-like qualities in our lives, such as love, joy, and self-control, and how living by the Spirit contrasts with following the desires of the flesh. 6th thru 12th grade students are welcome and encouraged to join us as we learn what it means to grow spiritually and reflect God's character inour daily lives!